Resident in East Lothian?

Struggling with your household expenses
because of the cost-of-living crisis?

The Community Windpower Energy Fund can help!

***Applications to the fund are currently suspended as the funding limit has almost been reached. If you have already submitted an application, we will be in touch in the near future .***

Partnership between Advice Direct Scotland and Community Windpower

delivering a fund to people in East Lothian affected by the cost-of-living crisis.
£ 0
Host local councils and local communities across Scotland have benefited from over £30 million since 2006
£ 0 M
Community Windpower is a leader in onshore wind energy development in the UK
0 GW


Fund Objectives

Amid the cost-of-living crisis, community benefits of up to £1million from the East Lothian wind farms will be administered and distributed by Advice Direct Scotland to provide support this winter for people in the region struggling with energy costs.

Partnering With Local Communities

Green Generation For Local Homes

Developing Successful Project

Clean Energy For Future Generation

Application Process

Step 1

Referral Partner(s) Identify Prospective Applicants

Step 2

Referral Partners Verify Eligibility and Gather Evidence

Step 3

Referral Partners Submit Application

Step 4

Receipt and Verification of Application is Sent

Step 5

Funding Decision is Made and Communicated

Find out more information in our detailed video guide.

Play Video


If you require further assistance,
please contact us